Research reports


Research Reports

[Instructions for authors]

The Centre for Applied Dynamical Systems, Mathematical Analysis and Probability has its own Research Report Series. Some reports are available for download.

[ 1997 | 1998 | 1999 | 2000 | 2001 | 2002 | 2003 ]


02-01 Chabrowski,J. and Tonkes, E., On Elliptic Systems Pertaining to the Schrodinger Equation


02-01 Jak, E., and Vladimirov, I. Computing the distribution of polyanionic chains in binary silicate melts on a basis of a random forest model,
02-02 Diamond, P., Kloeden, P., and Vladimirov, I. Mean anisotropy of homogeneous Gaussian random fields and anisotropic norms of linear translation invariant operators on multidimensional integer lattices
02-03 Chabrowski, J. and Tonkes, E. On the nonlinear Neumann problem with critical and supercritical nonlinearities
02-04 Bebbington, M., Pollett, P.K. and Ziedins, I. Two-link approximation sche mes for loss networks with linear structure and trunk reservation.
02-05 Pollett, P.K. Identifying Q-processes with a given finite m-invariant mea sure.
02-06 Pollett, P.K. Integrals for continuous-time Markov chains.
02-08 Pollett, P.K. Optimal capacity assignment in general queueing networks.
02-09 Pollett, P.K. and Stefanov, V.T. Path integrals for continuous-time Markov chains.
02-10 Pollett, P.K. and Thompson, M.R. A new method for analysing the equilibrium and time-dependent behaviour of Markovian models.
02-11 Pollett, P.K. and Zhang, H. Existence and uniqueness of Q-processes wi th a given finite m-invariant measure.
02-12 Thompson, M.R. and Pollett, P.K. A reduced load approximation accounting for link interactions in a loss network.


01-01 Vladimirov, I., Diamond, P. and Kloeden, P., Anisotropy-based robust performance analysis of linear discrete time varying systems
01-02 Diamond, Phil and Opoitsev, Valery, Stability of a class of differential inclusions
01-03 Vladimirov, I., Anisotropy-based optimal filtering in linear discrete time invariant systems
01-04 Vivaldi, F., and Vladimirov, I., Pseudo-randomness of roundoff errors in discretized linear maps on the plane
01-05 Vladimirov, I., and Diamond, P., Robust filtering in finite horizon linear discrete time varying systems by minim um anisotropic norm criterion


00-01 Bebbington, M., Pollett, P.K. and Ziedins, I. Product form approximations for highly linear loss networks with trunk reservation
00-02 Pollett, P.K. and Thompson, M.R. The analysis of continuous-time Markovian models using expected rates
00-03 Bean, N.G., Pollett, P.K. and Taylor, P.G. The quasistationary distributions of level-dependent quasi-birth-and-death processes
00-04 Pollett, P.K. Resource allocation queueing networks
00-05 Clancy, D., O'Neill, P.D. and Pollett, P.K. Approximations for the long-term behaviour of an open-population epidemic model
00-06 Pollett, P.K. Similar Markov chains
00-07 Pollett, P.K. Resource allocation in general queueing networks with applications to data networks
00-08 Thompson, M.R. and Pollett, P.K. A reduced load approximation accounting for link interactions in a loss network


99-01 Darlington, S.J. and Pollett, P.K. Quasistationarity in continuous time Markov chains where absorption is not certain
99-02 Pollett, P.K. Bottlenecks in Markovian queueing networks
99-03 Yuan, George. The calibration of Black-Derman-Toy / Black-Karasinski short rate models and pricing Bermudan swaptions
99-04 Yang, C.C. and Yuan, George. Another new way to price American options by using interior point method
99-05 Yuan, George. The characterisation of generalised metric KKM mappings with open values in hyperconvex metric spaces and some applications.
99-06 Yuan, George, Isac, G., Tan, K.K. and Yu, J. The study of minimax inequalities, abstract economics and applications to variational inequalities and Nash equilibria
99-07 Kim, W.K. and Yuan, George. On a new existence of equilibrium in SSC
99-08 Kirk, A.W., Sims, B. and Yuan, George. The KKM theory in hyperconvex metric space and some of its applications
99-09 Isac, G. and Yuan, G. The dual form of KKM principle in hyperconvex metric spaces and some applications
99-10 Wu, X. and Yuan, George. Approximate selection, fixed point, almost fixed point of multivalued mappings and generalised quasi-variational inequality in H-spaces
99-11 Chang, S.S., Thompson, B. and Yuan, G. The existence theorems of solutions for generalised vector-valued variational-like inequalities
99-12 Kim, W.K. and Yuan, George. New existence of equilibria in generalised social systems with coordination
99-13 Isac, G. and Yuan, G. The essential components of coincident points for weakly inward and outerward set-valued mappings
99-14 Sims, B., Xu, H.K. and Yuan, G. The homotopic invariance for fixed points of set-valued nonexpansive mappings
99-15 Lee, B.S., Cho, Y.J. and Yuan, G. The characterisation of generalisation KKM-mapping with finitely open values in topological vector spaces
99-16 Isac, G. and Yuan, G. Remarks on the existence of maximal elements with respect to a binary relation in non-compact topological spaces
99-17 Tarafdar, E. and Yuan, George. Variational inequalities and applications to generalized complementarity problems, fixed point theorems of set-valued mappings and minimization problems
99-18 Yuan, George. Wavelet analysis and its applications in statistics
99-19 Bebbington, M., Pollett, P.K. and Ziedins, I. Product form approximations for highly linear loss networks with trunk reservation
99-20 Pollett, P.K. and Thompson, M.R. The analysis of continuous-time Markovian models using expected rates
99-21 Pollett, P.K. Quasistationarity in populations that are subject to large-scale mortality or emigration
99-22 Clancy, D., O'Neill, P.D. and Pollett, P.K. The long-term behaviour of an open-population epidemic model.
99-23 Diamond, Phil and Vladimirov, I. Set-valued Markov chains and negative semi-trajectories of discretized dynamical systems
99-24 Diamond, Phil and Vladimirov, I. Higher order terms in asymptotic expansion for information loss in quantized random processes
99-25 Diamond, Phil and Vladimirov, I. Discretized unimodal mappings and branching processes
99-26 Diamond, Phil and Vladimirov, I. Rigorous justification of the uniform white noise model for roundoff errors in fixed point digital filters
99-27 Pollett, P.K. Identifying Q-processes with a given finite m-invariant measure
99-28 Pollett, P.K. Modelling congestion in closed queueing networks
99-29 Vladimirov I., Kuznetsov N. and Diamond P., Frequency measurability, algebras of quasiperiodic sets and spatial discretizations of smooth dynamical systems


98-01 Tarafdar, E. and Yuan, X.Z. (George) Some applications of Knaster-Kuratowski and Mazurkiewicz principle in hyperconvex metric spaces
98-02 Bebbington, M., Pollett, P.K. and Ziedins, I. Product form approximations for highly linear loss networks with trunk reservation
98-03 Bebbington, M., Pollett, P.K. and Ziedins, I. Two-link approximation schemes for linear loss networks without controls
98-04 Coolen-Schrijner, P., Hart, A.G. and Pollett, P.K. Quasistationarity of continuous-time Markov chains with positive drift
98-05 Yuan, George Xian-Zhi, Fixed points of upper semicontinuous mappings in locally G-convex Spaces
98-06 Djafari-Rouhani, B., Tarafdar E. and Watson, P.J. Coincidences and a fixed point theorem
98-07 Yang, Gan-Shang and Yuan, George Xian-Zhi, A characteristic of strong separation property for convex sets without compactness in locally convex spaces and some applications
98-08 Ding, X.P. and Yuan, George Xian-Zhi, The study of existence of equilibria for generalized games without lower semicontinuity in locally convex TVS
98-09 Isac, George and Yuan, George Xian-Zhi, The generic stability and existence of essentially connected components of solutions for nonlinear complementarity problems
98-10 Isac, George and Yuan, George Xian-Zhi, The existence of essentially connected components of solutions for variational inequalities
98-11 Djafari-Rouhani, B., Tarafdar E. and Watson, P.J., Simultaneous solutions of an uncountable family of variational inequalities
98-12 Mark Bebbington, Phil Pollett, Ilze Ziedins, Two-link approximation schemes for loss networks with linear structure and trunk reservation
98-13 Diamond, Phil and Vladimirov, I., Loss of invertibility of smooth diffeomorphisms under spatial discretization


97-01 Diamond, P. and Vladimirov, I. Asymptotic independence and uniform distribution of quantization errors for spatially discretized dynamical systems
97-02 Bean, N.G., Pollett, P.K. and Taylor, P.G., The quasistationary distributions of level-independent quasi-birth-and-death processes.
97-03 Tarafdar, E. and Yuan, X.Z.(George), The existence of equilibria for generalized games without lower semicontinuity for constraint mappings
97-04 Pollett, P.K. and Schrijner, P. Quasi-stationarity of discrete-time Markov chains with drift to infinity
97-05 Yuan, X.Z.(George) and Yu, J., The existence and generic stability for Nash-equlibria and Walrasian equilibria
97-06 Pollett, P.K., Limiting conditional distributions for stochastic metapopulation models
97-07 Yuan, X.Z.(George), The study of existence of equilibria for non-compact abstract economics
97-08 Pollett, P.K., Optimal allocation of effort in packet switching networks with generally distributed transmission times
97-09 Yang, G.S. and Yuan, X.Z.(George), A sufficient and necessary condition for upper hemicontinuous set-valued mappings without compact-values being upper demicontinuous
97-10 Bean, N.G., Pollett, P.K. and Taylor, P.G., Beta-invariant measures for level-dependent quasi-birth-and-death processes
97-11 Zhu, Y.G. and Yuan, X.Z.(George), The existence of nontrivial solutions for variational inequalities by using solution index approach
97-12 Pollett, P.K., Quasistationary distributions for continuous time Markov chains when absorption is not certain
97-13 Yuan, X.Z.(George), The study of non-compact generalized games with L-majorized mappings in locally TVS
97-15 Luo, Q., Yuan, X.Z.(George) and Sun, T.X., The existence of essential components for coincident points of set-valued mappings
97-16 Takahashi, W., Tarafdar, E. and Yuan, X.Z.(George), The existence and stability of saddle points and minimax theorems for vector-valued mappings in vector optimization theory
97-17 George Xian-Zhi Yuan, Fixed points of upper semicontinuous mappings in locally convex MC-spaces

Every effort will be made to keep these pages up-to-date.
If you have any information or suggestions for improvement,
please e-mail Elliot Tonkes at (,
or fill in the form provided.

This page last modified: 5th December 2000