MATH1070: Frontiers in Computational Science




About this Course

Course Profile






This is the home page for MATH1070 for Semester 2, 2005. You must check this page, and the associated links, with some frequency. Most information about the subject will be made available on these pages.

Note that all of these pages are still under construction, and will almost certainly not be a correct reflection of what happens this year. However, you are welcome to look through, as these pages do show what happened last year (and as we update the pages they will start to reflect what is happening this year).

MATH1070 integrates computing, mathematics and problem solving in order to develop techniques for investigating interesting phenomena in physical, biological and mathematical sciences. It is jointly run by the School of Information Technology and Electrical Engineering and the School of Physical Sciences.

This is the third year MATH1070 will be taught, building on a resounding success from past years. There have been a few changes to the course. Last year we covered cryptography, complex systems and computational biology. This year we will cover programming techniques, complex systems and computational biology. We will also hold a few guest lectures, which will involve some presentations by interesting experts in different fields.

As in the last years, we will teach the course in an interactive, hands-on style, making extensive use of computing and lab-sessions.

If you want to know more, visit the info sheet About this course, or contact one of the teaching staff listed below.

Important Notices



Prof Bernard Pailthorpe, Email:, Office: 69-721, Phone: 3365 6131. Consultation hours: TBA

Other Lecturers

Dr Marcus Gallagher, Email: Office:, Phone: 3365 6197, Consultation hours: TBA

Dr Christine Beveridge, Email: Office: 62-223E, Phone: 3365 7525, Consultation hours: TBA


MATH1070 Web Page. Last updated July 2005
Contact the coordinator: Bernard