Group Poster Project



You may use this form as a template.  Be sure to fill in all parts using correct grammar and hand it in to the Assignment boxes by the due date. Your submission should be typed in the same font size and only one submission is necessary for each group.  The purpose of this form is to demonstrate that your group has peer assessed another group’s poster presentation in your tutorial class.  Comments should be constructive and made in an appropriate manner.  Check that the group you are assessing has covered the requirements of the project as set out in the project outline.  You must complete each component of the group poster project to obtain your 10%.


Your Group Name or Number:                                                                                    


Names of students in Your Group:                                                                               




Tutor’s signature:                                                           Grade: PASS              FAIL


Tutor cut here                                                                                                              


Tutorial Class:                                                                                                                         


Group Name or Number to be peer assessed:                                                              


Number in Group:                                                                                                        








Have the presenters discussed the requirements outlined in the project description? Have they presented the information in a manner easy to understand?

*this information will be used by the group as feedback in preparation for writing individual summaries.









Layout/visual appearance









Grammar and referencing







Other comments






Tutor’s signature: