Group Poster Project

SUMMARY Template



Group Name or Number:  THE FUNAMBULISTS                                                      


Project Title:             FAMOUS MATHEMATICIANS                                                  


Number in Group:             4                                                                                             


Tutorial Class:                   T1000                                                                                    


Student’s Name:               Uschi                                                                                     


Student Number:              666                                                                                        


Student’s Signature:                                                                                                         





Research methods  (how/where did you obtain your information)



Each member of the group had the responsibility to research one of the people. All research was conducted on the internet, using Google to search for webpages. All the information we collected was verified from at least two websites to ensure accuracy.



Your project


Our group chose three mathematician and/or scientists from different period of time throughout known history; ancient, middle-ages and the modern era.

Archimedes represents the ancient period. He was a mathematician, physicist, engineer, astronomer, and philosopher who was educated in Egypt. The main accomplishment in his life was the Archimedes Principle - a body immersed in a fluid experiences a buoyant force equal to the weight of the displaced fluid. Archimedes Principle has had tremendous impact on aspects of design and construction. He also worked out the approximate value of π and proved the formula for the volume of a sphere. These results have had a lasting impact on the development of mathematics and science.

From the middle-ages, we have Leonardo Pisano Fibonacci. He was an Italian Number Theorist and educated by a Moorish master. Amongst his main contributions were the introduction of Hindu numerals to western culture, and also the use of the Fibonacci sequence (although he did not discover this). He used this sequence as the basis for a model to describe population growth amongst rabbits, and it has subsequently been found to occur in many areas of biology. 

Finally Louis de Broglie represents the modern era. He was a French physicist educated in University of Paris, and was awarded the Nobel Prize in 1929. His main accomplishment is the de Broglie hypothesis, whereby any moving particle or object is described by an associative wave. This work had a major impact in the development of electron microscopes.



















































Tutor’s signature:                                      Grade:  PASS          FAIL