*----------------------------------------------------------------------| subroutine DGCNVR( from,to,diag, nrow,ncol, nz, ia, ja, a, iwsp ) implicit none character from*3, to*3, diag*1 integer nrow, ncol, nz, ia(*), ja(*), iwsp(*) double precision a(*) *-----Purpose----------------------------------------------------------| * *--- DGCNVR converts a sparse storage format into another sparse * storage format. The matrix can be rectangular. * *-----Arguments--------------------------------------------------------| * * from : (input, character*3) the storage format holding the * matrix on input. Accepted values are: * 'COO' : COOrdinates * 'CRS' : Compressed Row Storage * 'CCS' : Compressed Column Storage. * * to : (input, character*3) the storage format holding the * matrix on output. Same accepted values as above. * * diag : (input, character*1) specifies whether or not the * entire diagonal should be lodged, i.e., including * null diagonal entries. (This may be required by * some applications that make use of the locations * of diagonal elements.) * diag = 'N', no specific attention is given to diagonal * elements. * diag = 'D', the entire diagonal is lodged, including * null elements on the diagonal. * if from=to & diag='D', null diagonal entries are * explicitly inserted in the actual matrix. * * nrow : (input) number of rows in the matrix. * * ncol : (input) number of columns in the matrix. * * nz : (input/output) number of non-zeros elements. * If diag='D' and null diagonal entries are inserted, then * nz is updated on exit and contains the effective number * of entries stored. In what follows, nz' (read nz prime) * denotes the updated value of nz, nz <= nz' <= nz+n. * If diag='N' then nz'=nz. * * ia(*) : (input/output) of declared length .ge. nz'. * On input, * if from='CRS', ia(1:nrow+1) contains pointers for the * beginning of each row. * if from='COO', or 'CCS', ia(1:nz) contains row indices. * On output, * if to='CRS', ia(1:nrow+1) contains pointers for the * beginning of each row. * if to='COO' or 'CCS', ia(1:nz') contains row indices * in increasing order in each column. * * ja(*) : (input/output) of declared length .ge. nz'. * On input, * if from='CRS', ja(1:ncol+1) contains pointers for the * beginning of each column. * if from='COO' or 'CCS', ja(1:nz) contains col. indices. * On output, * if to='CRS', ja(1:ncol+1) contains pointers for the * beginning of each column. * if to='COO' or 'CCS', ja(1:nz') contains column indices * in increasing order in each row. * * a(*) : (input/output) On input, a(1:nz) fits the input format * and on output, a(1:nz') fits the output format. * * iwsp(*) : (workspace) of declared length .ge. max(nrow,ncol). * *----------------------------------------------------------------------| * Roger B. Sidje (rbs@maths.uq.edu.au) * Department of Mathematics, University of Queensland. * Brisbane QLD 4072, Australia. 1996. *----------------------------------------------------------------------| integer i, j, k, nn, iflag character cpy_from*3, cpy_to*3, cpy_diag*1, c*1, S1*3, S2*3 logical LSAME intrinsic CHAR,ICHAR,LLE,LGE,MIN LSAME(S1,S2) = LLE(S1,S2).and.LGE(S1,S2) * *--- upper case strings ... * do k = 1,3 c = from(k:k) if ( c.ge.'a' .and. c.le.'z' ) c = CHAR( ICHAR(c)-32 ) cpy_from(k:k) = c c = to(k:k) if ( c.ge.'a' .and. c.le.'z' ) c = CHAR( ICHAR(c)-32 ) cpy_to(k:k) = c enddo c = diag(1:1) if ( c.ge.'a' .and. c.le.'z' ) c = CHAR( ICHAR(c)-32 ) cpy_diag = c *--- quick return if possible ... if ( LSAME(cpy_from,cpy_to) .and. cpy_diag.eq.'N' ) return iflag = 1 if ( LSAME(cpy_from,'COO') ) iflag = 0 if ( LSAME(cpy_from,'CRS') ) iflag = 0 if ( LSAME(cpy_from,'CCS') ) iflag = 0 if ( iflag.ne.0 ) stop 'unexpected i/o formats (in DGCNVR)' iflag = 1 if ( LSAME(cpy_to,'COO') ) iflag = 0 if ( LSAME(cpy_to,'CRS') ) iflag = 0 if ( LSAME(cpy_to,'CCS') ) iflag = 0 if ( iflag.ne.0 ) stop 'unexpected i/o formats (in DGCNVR)' * *--- transit via COOrdinates format if input is not in COO ... * if ( LSAME(cpy_from,'CRS') ) then *--- expand ia indices ... nn = nz do i = nrow,1,-1 do k = 1,ia(i+1)-ia(i) ia(nn) = i nn = nn-1 enddo enddo endif if ( LSAME(cpy_from,'CCS') ) then *--- expand ja indices ... nn = nz do j = ncol,1,-1 do k = 1,ja(j+1)-ja(j) ja(nn) = j nn = nn-1 enddo enddo endif * *-- if requested, insert diagonal elements even if they are zero... * if ( cpy_diag.eq.'D' ) then nn = MIN( nrow,ncol ) do i = 1,nn iwsp(i) = 0 enddo do k = 1,nz if ( ia(k).eq.ja(k) ) iwsp(ia(k)) = 1 enddo do i = 1,nn if ( iwsp(i).eq.0 ) then nz = nz + 1 ia(nz) = i ja(nz) = i a(nz) = 0.0d0 endif enddo endif *--- COO convertion ... if ( LSAME(cpy_to,'COO') ) return *--- CRS convertion ... if ( LSAME(cpy_to,'CRS') ) call dcmpac( nrow,nz,ia,ja,a, iwsp ) *--- CCS convertion ... if ( LSAME(cpy_to,'CCS') ) call dcmpac( ncol,nz,ja,ia,a, iwsp ) END *----------------------------------------------------------------------| *----------------------------------------------------------------------| * subroutine dcmpac( n, nx, ix, ixx, xx, iwsp ) *-- DCMPAC compacts the array ix and sorts ixx and xx *-- (This is a gateway routine for DGCNVR) ... *----------------------------------------------------------------------| implicit none integer n, nx, ix(nx), ixx(nx), iwsp(n) double precision xx(nx) integer k * *--- sort ix and carry ixx and xx along ... * call idsrt2( nx, ix, ixx, xx ) * *--- adjust pointers ... * do k = 1,n iwsp(k) = 0 enddo do k = 1,nx iwsp(ix(k)) = iwsp(ix(k)) + 1 enddo ix(n+1) = nx + 1 do k = n,1,-1 ix(k) = ix(k+1)-iwsp(k) enddo * *--- sort ixx in increasing order and carry xx along ... * do k = 1,n call idsrt1( iwsp(k), ixx(ix(k)), xx(ix(k)) ) enddo END *----------------------------------------------------------------------| *----------------------------------------------------------------------| * subroutine idsrt1( nx, ix, xx ) *--- IDSRT1: indirect sort -- sort ix and carry xx along *--- adapted from a SLAP (Sparse Linear Algebra Package) code. *----------------------------------------------------------------------| implicit none integer nx, ix(nx) double precision xx(nx) integer M,I,J,K,IL(21),IU(21), IT,IIT,IJ,L double precision TX, TTX, R if ( nx.le.1 ) return *--- And now...Just a little black magic... M = 1 I = 1 J = NX R = .375 210 IF( R.LE.0.5898437 ) THEN R = R + 3.90625E-2 ELSE R = R-.21875 ENDIF 225 K = I * *--- Select a central element of the array and save it in location *--- IT, TX. * IJ = I + IDINT( DBLE(J-I)*R ) IT = IX(IJ) TX = XX(IJ) * *--- If first element of array is greater than IT, interchange with IT. * IF( IX(I).GT.IT ) THEN IX(IJ) = IX(I) IX(I) = IT IT = IX(IJ) XX(IJ) = XX(I) XX(I) = TX TX = XX(IJ) ENDIF L=J * *--- If last element of array is less than IT, swap with IT. * IF( IX(J).LT.IT ) THEN IX(IJ) = IX(J) IX(J) = IT IT = IX(IJ) XX(IJ) = XX(J) XX(J) = TX TX = XX(IJ) * *--- If first element of array is greater than IT, swap with IT. * IF ( IX(I).GT.IT ) THEN IX(IJ) = IX(I) IX(I) = IT IT = IX(IJ) XX(IJ) = XX(I) XX(I) = TX TX = XX(IJ) ENDIF ENDIF * *--- Find an element in the second half of the array which is *--- smaller than IT. * 240 L=L-1 IF( IX(L).GT.IT ) GO TO 240 * *--- Find an element in the first half of the array which is *--- greater than IT. * 245 K=K+1 IF( IX(K).LT.IT ) GO TO 245 * *--- Interchange these elements. * IF( K.LE.L ) THEN IIT = IX(L) IX(L) = IX(K) IX(K) = IIT TTX = XX(L) XX(L) = XX(K) XX(K) = TTX GOTO 240 ENDIF * *--- Save upper and lower subscripts of the array yet to be sorted. * IF( L-I.GT.J-K ) THEN IL(M) = I IU(M) = L I = K M = M+1 ELSE IL(M) = K IU(M) = J J = L M = M+1 ENDIF GO TO 260 * *--- Begin again on another portion of the unsorted array. * 255 M = M-1 IF( M.EQ.0 ) GO TO 300 I = IL(M) J = IU(M) 260 IF( J-I.GE.1 ) GO TO 225 IF( I.EQ.J ) GO TO 255 IF( I.EQ.1 ) GO TO 210 I = I-1 265 I = I+1 IF( I.EQ.J ) GO TO 255 IT = IX(I+1) TX = XX(I+1) IF( IX(I).LE.IT ) GO TO 265 K=I 270 IX(K+1) = IX(K) XX(K+1) = XX(K) K = K-1 IF( IT.LT.IX(K) ) GO TO 270 IX(K+1) = IT XX(K+1) = TX GO TO 265 300 CONTINUE RETURN END *----------------------------------------------------------------------| *----------------------------------------------------------------------| subroutine idsrt2( nx, ix, ixx, xx ) *--- IDSRT2: indirect sort: sort ix and carry ixx and xx along *--- adapted from a SLAP (Sparse Linear Algebra Package) code. *----------------------------------------------------------------------| implicit none integer nx, ix(nx), ixx(nx) double precision xx(nx) integer M,I,J,K,IL(21),IU(21), IT,IIT,IJ,JT,JJT,L double precision TX, TTX, R if ( nx.le.1 ) return *--- And now...Just a little black magic... M = 1 I = 1 J = NX R = .375 210 IF( R.LE.0.5898437 ) THEN R = R + 3.90625E-2 ELSE R = R-.21875 ENDIF 225 K = I * *--- Select a central element of the array and save it in location *--- IT, JT, TX. * IJ = I + IDINT( DBLE(J-I)*R ) IT = IX(IJ) JT = IXX(IJ) TX = XX(IJ) * *--- If first element of array is greater than IT, interchange with IT. * IF( IX(I).GT.IT ) THEN IX(IJ) = IX(I) IX(I) = IT IT = IX(IJ) IXX(IJ)= IXX(I) IXX(I) = JT JT = IXX(IJ) XX(IJ) = XX(I) XX(I) = TX TX = XX(IJ) ENDIF L=J * *--- If last element of array is less than IT, swap with IT. * IF( IX(J).LT.IT ) THEN IX(IJ) = IX(J) IX(J) = IT IT = IX(IJ) IXX(IJ)= IXX(J) IXX(J) = JT JT = IXX(IJ) XX(IJ) = XX(J) XX(J) = TX TX = XX(IJ) * *--- If first element of array is greater than IT, swap with IT. * IF ( IX(I).GT.IT ) THEN IX(IJ) = IX(I) IX(I) = IT IT = IX(IJ) IXX(IJ)= IXX(I) IXX(I) = JT JT = IXX(IJ) XX(IJ) = XX(I) XX(I) = TX TX = XX(IJ) ENDIF ENDIF * *--- Find an element in the second half of the array which is *--- smaller than IT. * 240 L=L-1 IF( IX(L).GT.IT ) GO TO 240 * *--- Find an element in the first half of the array which is *--- greater than IT. * 245 K=K+1 IF( IX(K).LT.IT ) GO TO 245 * *--- Interchange these elements. * IF( K.LE.L ) THEN IIT = IX(L) IX(L) = IX(K) IX(K) = IIT JJT = IXX(L) IXX(L)= IXX(K) IXX(K)= JJT TTX = XX(L) XX(L) = XX(K) XX(K) = TTX GOTO 240 ENDIF * *--- Save upper and lower subscripts of the array yet to be sorted. * IF( L-I.GT.J-K ) THEN IL(M) = I IU(M) = L I = K M = M+1 ELSE IL(M) = K IU(M) = J J = L M = M+1 ENDIF GO TO 260 * *--- Begin again on another portion of the unsorted array. * 255 M = M-1 IF( M.EQ.0 ) GO TO 300 I = IL(M) J = IU(M) 260 IF( J-I.GE.1 ) GO TO 225 IF( I.EQ.J ) GO TO 255 IF( I.EQ.1 ) GO TO 210 I = I-1 265 I = I+1 IF( I.EQ.J ) GO TO 255 IT = IX(I+1) JT = IXX(I+1) TX = XX(I+1) IF( IX(I).LE.IT ) GO TO 265 K=I 270 IX(K+1) = IX(K) IXX(K+1) = IXX(K) XX(K+1) = XX(K) K = K-1 IF( IT.LT.IX(K) ) GO TO 270 IX(K+1) = IT IXX(K+1) = JT XX(K+1) = TX GO TO 265 300 CONTINUE RETURN END *----------------------------------------------------------------------|