batchmeans.m Estimates the expected steady-state value and 95 confidence interval for a random walk using the batch means method.
chi2eq.m Equidistribution test for Matlab's uniform random number generator via a chi-squared test.
covmethod.m Example of the covariance method, providing a point estimate and 95 percent confidence, using the random walk sampler. Uses xcov.m (signal processing toolbox) to compute the cross-covariances.
empcdfr.m Computes upper and lower 90 percent confidence curves for the cdf of a standard exponential distribution, based on a random sample.
KDE (directory) Kernel density estimation techniques, including least squares cross-validation and an improved plug-in method.
kolsmir.m Applies the Kolmogorov-Smirnov test to logistic data that has been corrupted by noise.
mcint.m Estimates the value of an integral via crude Monte Carlo, with 95 percent confidence interval.
qqplotex.m Example of normal q-q plots for iid samples from the gamma distribution, with varying shape parameters and sample sizes.
regenmeth.m Estimates the expected steady-state value and 95 confidence interval for a random walk using the regenerative method.
resampratio.m Comparison between bootstrap resampling and the delta method for determining confidence intervals for ratio estimates. Uses dct1d.m, fixed_point.m, kde.m, and idct1d.m from the KDE folder.
stateda.m Visualizing gamma data via a histogram, density plot, empirical cdf, and scatter plot. Uses ksdensity.m (statistics toolbox).
stateda2.m Summarizing gamma data via common functions.
