Calculus and Discrete Maths Resources On-Line

Discrete Mathematics Resources
Math Forum - Discrete Math contains many internet resources although for us I feel the most useful is the material on Graphs at a site called MegaMath from Los Alamos National Lab.

Also the Gallery of Interactive Geometry contains several interesting exhibits although it may be too advanced for first year students. It is part of The Geometry Center .

Resources for Discrete Mathematics contains but there is nothing of use for a first year course as far as I can see.
A site for Discrete Maths which contains notes and examples of basic logic laws, conditional statements, the binomial theorem, functions etc. It is based on a text but it does not say which one! Its not so great.

Some Java applets illustrating basic concepts can be found at Manipual Math with JAVA.
An interactive site is WWW Interactive Mathematics Server (WIMS)
There are many Maple worksheets at the Georgia Institute of Technology and some Java Applets. Even more Maple worksheets can be found at Douglas Meade's homepage here and here.

The next site may be useful in second year subjects like Engineering Maths. Interactive Learning in Calculus and Differential Equations with Applications at The Indiana University of Pennsylvania. The site is mirrored at Open Net Pty Ltd Australia, but I couldn't find it.

The Center for Scientific Computing, Espoo, Finland, has a list of Network Services for Maths topics called CSC Mathematical Topics .

There is a page containing Mathematical movies in mpeg format and links to more movies made elswhere.

Here is a link to interactive exercises for Matrix Algebra. They are updating the system at the moment so the exercises don't work yet.

Project Mathematics! produces videos and workbook modules aimed at highschool students. "They are distributed on a nonprofit basis".

General Sites of Interest
World Lecture Hall There are many lecture notes in many different fields at this address.
The Electronic Library for Mathematical Software offers free access to more than 10000 mathematical algorithms and documents.
Here is an online interactive textbook for Real Analysis dealing with sets, sequences, series, continuity, differentiability, integrability (Riemann and Lebesgue), topology etc... This is a great site, though of no use to a first year course.