Solution for Section 11.5 Question 3

3. a) There are at least two ways to approach this problem.

Solution 1: We shall combine the facts that a tree with p vertices has p-1 edges and that the sum of the degrees of any graph is equal to twice the number of edges. Hence





5 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 +




2p - 2
p-6 deg(vi)


2p - 12

the sum of the degrees of p-6 vertices


2(p - 6)

Now we know that none of the remaining p-6 vertices have degree 0 or 1, so they must all have degree 2.


Solution 2: Alternately, we can think about the paths from the vertex of degree 5 to the vertices of degree 1 (the leaves of the tree) and whether or not these paths can branch out. If these paths branched at any point, then either we would get more than 5 vertices of degree 1, or the branching path would have to join one of the other paths which would create a circuit. Since we know we have a tree with exactly 5 vertices of degree 1 and we know that trees do not contain circuits, none of the paths from the vertex of degree 5 to the leaves of the tree can branch. Hence, all the remaining p-6 vertices must have degree 2.

b) There are many different such trees on 8 vertices, but only one on 6 vertices.

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