The University of Queensland



PhD Journal Club Talk



“Voltage Graphs: An Introduction”

By Tom McCourt


11am, Tuesday 14th October, 2008


Priestley Building, room 706




In topological graph theory a covering space (a generalization of a Riemann surface) is an example of a mathematical structure that permits an economical description of a graph and its imbedding.


The details for constructing a covering space of a graph are efficiently encoded in what is called a "voltage graph".


In this talk we will focus on an elementary description and small investigation into the world of voltage graphs.


However, their connection to graph imbeddings and topology will be left as a possible future topic for later journal club meetings.



The setting for these talks is quite informal as we are all non-experts.  We aim to spark a good discussion on an interesting topic, so all are invited to attend.  If you would like to contribute or have any queries please email Katrina: