The University of Queensland



PhD Journal Club Talk


The McEliece Public Key Cryptosystem

by Nick Coxon - UQ


10.30am, Tuesday 25th November, 2008


Priestley Building, room 706




In 1978 R. McEliece proposed the first public key cryptosystem based on the theory of error-correcting codes.  The original version of the McEliece cryptosystem is one of the oldest public key cryptosystems and remains unbroken for appropriate system parameters.  Quantum computers seem to provide little improvement to attacks on code-based cryptosystems thus making the McEliece cryptosystem of interest as a possible candidate for post-quantum cryptography.


I will give a very brief introduction to public key cryptography and linear codes then describe the McEliece cryptosystem.  The remainder of the talk will be padded with cryptanalysis and random bits.



The setting for these talks is quite informal as we are all non-experts.  We aim to spark a good discussion on an interesting topic, so all are invited to attend.  If you would like to contribute or have any queries please email Katrina: 


Also, the following temporary website has some information about the talks: (links to the notes provided by the speakers are not yet active).