*----------------------------------------------------------------------| subroutine ZGPHIV( n, m, t, u, v, w, tol, anorm, . wsp,lwsp, iwsp,liwsp, matvec, itrace,iflag ) implicit none integer n, m, lwsp, liwsp, itrace, iflag, iwsp(liwsp) double precision t, tol, anorm complex*16 u(n), v(n), w(n), wsp(lwsp) external matvec *-----Purpose----------------------------------------------------------| * *--- ZGPHIV computes w = exp(t*A)v + t*phi(tA)u which is the solution * of the nonhomogeneous linear ODE problem w' = Aw + u, w(0) = v. * phi(z) = (exp(z)-1)/z and A is a Zomplex (i.e., complex double * precision matrix). * * The method used is based on Krylov subspace projection * techniques and the matrix under consideration interacts only * via the external routine `matvec' performing the matrix-vector * product (matrix-free method). * *-----Arguments--------------------------------------------------------| * * n : (input) order of the principal matrix A. * * m : (input) maximum size for the Krylov basis. * * t : (input) time at wich the solution is needed (can be < 0). * * u(n) : (input) operand vector with respect to the phi function * (forcing term of the ODE problem). * * v(n) : (input) operand vector with respect to the exp function * (initial condition of the ODE problem). * * w(n) : (output) computed approximation of exp(t*A)v + t*phi(tA)u * * tol : (input/output) the requested accuracy tolerance on w. * If on input tol=0.0d0 or tol is too small (tol.le.eps) * the internal value sqrt(eps) is used, and tol is set to * sqrt(eps) on output (`eps' denotes the machine epsilon). * (`Happy breakdown' is assumed if h(j+1,j) .le. anorm*tol) * * anorm : (input) an approximation of some norm of A. * * wsp(lwsp): (workspace) lwsp .ge. n*(m+1)+n+(m+3)^2+4*(m+3)^2+ideg+1 * +---------+-------+---------------+ * (actually, ideg=6) V H wsp for PADE * * iwsp(liwsp): (workspace) liwsp .ge. m+3 * * matvec : external subroutine for matrix-vector multiplication. * synopsis: matvec( x, y ) * double precision x(*), y(*) * computes: y(1:n) <- A*x(1:n) * where A is the principal matrix. * * itrace : (input) running mode. 0=silent, 1=print step-by-step info * * iflag : (output) exit flag. * <0 - bad input arguments * 0 - no problem * 1 - maximum number of steps reached without convergence * 2 - requested tolerance was too high * *-----Accounts on the computation--------------------------------------| * Upon exit, an interested user may retrieve accounts on the * computations. They are located in the workspace arrays wsp and * iwsp as indicated below: * * location mnemonic description * -----------------------------------------------------------------| * iwsp(1) = nmult, number of matrix-vector multiplications used * iwsp(2) = nexph, number of Hessenberg matrix exponential evaluated * iwsp(3) = nscale, number of repeated squaring involved in Pade * iwsp(4) = nstep, number of integration steps used up to completion * iwsp(5) = nreject, number of rejected step-sizes * iwsp(6) = ibrkflag, set to 1 if `happy breakdown' and 0 otherwise * iwsp(7) = mbrkdwn, if `happy brkdown', basis-size when it occured * -----------------------------------------------------------------| * wsp(1) = step_min, minimum step-size used during integration * wsp(2) = step_max, maximum step-size used during integration * wsp(3) = dummy * wsp(4) = dummy * wsp(5) = x_error, maximum among all local truncation errors * wsp(6) = s_error, global sum of local truncation errors * wsp(7) = tbrkdwn, if `happy breakdown', time when it occured * wsp(8) = t_now, integration domain successfully covered * *----------------------------------------------------------------------| *-----The following parameters may also be adjusted herein-------------| * integer mxstep, mxreject, ideg double precision delta, gamma parameter( mxstep = 500, . mxreject = 0, . ideg = 6, . delta = 1.2d0, . gamma = 0.9d0 ) * mxstep : maximum allowable number of integration steps. * The value 0 means an infinite number of steps. * * mxreject: maximum allowable number of rejections at each step. * The value 0 means an infinite number of rejections. * * ideg : the Pade approximation of type (ideg,ideg) is used as * an approximation to exp(H). * * delta : local truncation error `safety factor' * * gamma : stepsize `shrinking factor' * *----------------------------------------------------------------------| * Roger B. Sidje (rbs@maths.uq.edu.au) * EXPOKIT: Software Package for Computing Matrix Exponentials. * ACM - Transactions On Mathematical Software, 24(1):130-156, 1998 *----------------------------------------------------------------------| * complex*16 ZERO, ONE parameter( ZERO=(0.0d0,0.0d0), ONE=(1.0d0,0.0d0) ) integer i, j, k1, mh, mx, iv, ih, j1v, ns, ifree, lfree, iexph, . ireject,ibrkflag,mbrkdwn, nmult, nreject, nexph, nscale, . nstep, iphih double precision sgn, t_out, tbrkdwn, step_min,step_max, err_loc, . s_error, x_error, t_now, t_new, t_step, t_old, . xm, beta, break_tol, p1, p2, p3, eps, rndoff, . avnorm, hj1j, SQR1 complex*16 hij intrinsic AINT,ABS,CMPLX,DBLE,INT,LOG10,MAX,MIN,NINT,SIGN,SQRT complex*16 ZDOTC double precision DZNRM2 * *--- check restrictions on input parameters ... * iflag = 0 if ( lwsp.lt.n*(m+3)+5*(m+3)**2+ideg+1 ) iflag = -1 if ( liwsp.lt.m+3 ) iflag = -2 if ( m.ge.n .or. m.le.0 ) iflag = -3 if ( iflag.ne.0 ) stop 'bad sizes (in input of ZGPHIV)' * *--- initialisations ... * k1 = 3 mh = m + 3 iv = 1 ih = iv + n*(m+1) + n ifree = ih + mh*mh lfree = lwsp - ifree + 1 ibrkflag = 0 mbrkdwn = m nmult = 0 nreject = 0 nexph = 0 nscale = 0 t_out = ABS( t ) tbrkdwn = 0.0d0 step_min = t_out step_max = 0.0d0 nstep = 0 s_error = 0.0d0 x_error = 0.0d0 t_now = 0.0d0 t_new = 0.0d0 p1 = 4.0d0/3.0d0 1 p2 = p1 - 1.0d0 p3 = p2 + p2 + p2 eps = ABS( p3-1.0d0 ) if ( eps.eq.0.0d0 ) go to 1 if ( tol.le.eps ) tol = SQRT( eps ) rndoff = eps*anorm break_tol = 1.0d-7 *>>> break_tol = tol *>>> break_tol = anorm*tol sgn = SIGN( 1.0d0,t ) SQR1 = SQRT( 0.1d0 ) call ZCOPY( n, v,1, w,1 ) * *--- step-by-step integration ... * 100 if ( t_now.ge.t_out ) goto 500 nmult = nmult + 1 call matvec( w, wsp(iv) ) call ZAXPY( n, ONE, u,1, wsp(iv),1 ) beta = DZNRM2( n, wsp(iv),1 ) if ( beta.eq.0.0d0 ) goto 500 call ZDSCAL( n, 1.0d0/beta, wsp(iv),1 ) do i = 1,mh*mh wsp(ih+i-1) = ZERO enddo if ( nstep.eq.0 ) then *--- obtain the very first stepsize ... xm = 1.0d0/DBLE( m ) p1 = tol*(((m+1)/2.72D0)**(m+1))*SQRT(2.0D0*3.14D0*(m+1)) t_new = (1.0d0/anorm)*(p1/(4.0d0*beta*anorm))**xm p1 = 10.0d0**(NINT( LOG10( t_new )-SQR1 )-1) t_new = AINT( t_new/p1 + 0.55d0 ) * p1 endif nstep = nstep + 1 t_step = MIN( t_out-t_now, t_new ) * *--- Arnoldi loop ... * j1v = iv + n do 200 j = 1,m nmult = nmult + 1 call matvec( wsp(j1v-n), wsp(j1v) ) do i = 1,j hij = ZDOTC( n, wsp(iv+(i-1)*n),1, wsp(j1v),1 ) call ZAXPY( n, -hij, wsp(iv+(i-1)*n),1, wsp(j1v),1 ) wsp(ih+(j-1)*mh+i-1) = hij enddo hj1j = DZNRM2( n, wsp(j1v),1 ) *--- if `happy breakdown' go straightforward at the end ... if ( hj1j.le.break_tol ) then print*,'happy breakdown: mbrkdwn =',j,' h =',hj1j k1 = 0 ibrkflag = 1 mbrkdwn = j tbrkdwn = t_now t_step = t_out-t_now goto 300 endif wsp(ih+(j-1)*mh+j) = CMPLX( hj1j ) call ZDSCAL( n, 1.0d0/hj1j, wsp(j1v),1 ) j1v = j1v + n 200 continue nmult = nmult + 1 call matvec( wsp(j1v-n), wsp(j1v) ) avnorm = DZNRM2( n, wsp(j1v),1 ) * *--- set 1's for the 3-extended scheme ... * 300 continue wsp(ih+mh*mbrkdwn) = ONE wsp(ih+(m-1)*mh+m) = ZERO do i = 1,k1-1 wsp(ih+(m+i)*mh+m+i-1) = ONE enddo * *--- loop while ireject