
Thomas Taimre
January 2004

Illustrative Example Problems

Problem Description

This problem is described in Example 5.1 in [2].
Program Descriptions
This program runs an interactive demonstration of the convergence of the CE method using Normal updating in 1 dimension. Click the mouse or press a key to advance the display by one iteration.

Call the program from MATLAB, with the following syntax:


This program runs an alternate interactive demonstration of the convergence of the CE method using Normal updating in 1 dimension. Click the mouse or press a key to advance the display by one iteration.

Call the program from MATLAB, with the following syntax:


This program illustrates the evolution of the CE method on a very simple problem, showing that it is quite possible to have the standard deviation parameter reduced below an extremely small number.

Call the program from MATLAB, with the following syntax:

sigma = ssmall( N , rho )

Example: sig = ssmall( 200 , 0.1 )
N - number of samples each iteration
rho - fraction of best performing samples to take
sigma - A vector of all of the std. deviations

Bayesian Image Reconstruction

Problem Description

This problem is described in Exercise 8.4.5 in [2]
Program Descriptions
This program reconstructs the image in the first problem via the CE method.

Call the program from MATLAB, with the following syntax:

[ x , y ] = bayes( N , rho , alpha , sigma , y )

Example: [ reimage , oldimage ] = bayes( 500 , 0.04 , 0.7 , 0.1 , image )
In this example, image is a matrix, consisting of two unique gray levels (eg. 0's and 1's), and the noise to be added is distributed Normally, with a standard deviation of 0.1.
N - number of samples each iteration
rho - fraction of best performing samples to take
alpha - smoothing paramter
sigma - std. deviation for image noise (optional)
y - image data (optional)
x - reconstructed image
y - original image

This program reconstructs the image in the second problem via the CE method.
Call the program from MATLAB, with the following syntax:

[ x , y , v ] = bayes2( N , rho , alpha , sigma , y )

Example: [ reimage , oldimage , probs ] = bayes2( 500 , 0.04 , 0.7 )
In this example, a default image is used.
N - number of samples each iteration
rho - fraction of best performing samples to take
alpha - smoothing paramter
sigma - std. deviation for image noise
y - image data
x - reconstructed image
y - original image
v - probabilities at the end

scoreb.m This program is used internally by both of the above programs to evaluate the performance of the algorithm.

The Permutation Flow-Shop Problem

Problem Description

This problem is described in Exercise 7.6.4 in [2].
Program Descriptions
This MATLAB program gives the best found permutation via the CE method.
Call the program from MATLAB, with the following syntax:

[ pi , t ] = pfsp( N , rho , alpha , traj , n , m , t , z )

Example: [ perm , cost ] = pfsp( 100 , 0.1 , 0.8 , 2 , 10 , 2 , t , 10 )
where t is a 10 x 2 matrix of costs.
N - Number of samples to generate each round
rho - fraction of best samples to take
alpha - smoothing parameter
traj - 0, node transitions, x(1)=1
    1, node transitions, x(1) random
    2, node placement (default)
n - number of jobs
m - number of machines
t - t(i,j) is the cost of job i on machine j
z - number of succesive rho-th quantiles the same before stop
pi - the output permutation
t - the cost (in time) matrix used
gpfsp.m This program is used internally to generate tours via node transitions.
gpfsp2.m This program is used internally to generate tours via node placement, using the first row of the P matrix to generate the first position.
gpfsp3.m This program is used internally to generate tours via node placement, using a random row of the P matrix to generate the first position.
This MATLAB program gives the best found permutation via the CE method, using ``fast'' trajectory generation, as mentioned in Remark 4.12, and described in Algorithms 4.11.3 and 4.11.4, as well as Section 4.11.2 in [2].
Call the program from MATLAB, with the following syntax:

[ pi , t ] = fpfsp( N , rho , alpha , traj , n , m , t , z )

Example: [ perm , cost ] = fpfsp( 200 , 0.05 , 0.75 , 3 , 12 , 1 , t , 10 )
where t is a 12 x 3 matrix of costs.
N - Number of samples to generate each round
rho - fraction of best samples to take
alpha - smoothing parameter
traj - 0, alias technique (default) uses x% = 70%
    1, composition method
n - number of jobs
m - number of machines
t - t(i,j) is the cost of job i on machine j
z - number of succesive rho-th quantiles the same before stop
pi - the output permutation
t - the cost (in time) matrix used
fgpfsp.m This program is used internally to generate tours via the alias speed-up.
fgpfsp2.m This program is used internally to generate tours via the composition speed-up.
spfsp.m This program is used internally to evaluate the performance of these algorithms.

Travelling Salesman Problem

Problem Description

This problem is described in Section 4.7 of [2].
Program Descriptions
This MATLAB program gives the best found tour via the CE method.
Call the program from MATLAB, with the following syntax:

pi = tsp( N , rho , alpha , A , traj )

Example: tour = tsp( 1000 , 0.05 , 0.8 , A , 0 )
where A is a matrix of lengths between nodes.
N - Number of samples to generate each round
rho - fraction of best samples to take
alpha - smoothing parameter
A - A(i,j) is the distance between node i and node j
traj - 0, node placements
    1, node transitions
pi - the best tour found
gtsp0.m This program is used internally to generate tours via node placements.
gtsp1.m This program is used internally to generate tours via node transitions.
stsp.m This program is used internally to evaluate the performance of a particular tour.
minitsp.m This is a program which generates a smaller TSP problem (with a specified number of nodes) from a larger one. This idea is mentioned in Remark 4.13 in [2].

The n Queen Problem

Problem Description

This problem is described in Excercise 2.6.6 in [2].
Program Descriptions
This MATLAB program gives the best found placement for n queens on an n x n chessboard using the FACE algorithm.
Call the program from MATLAB, with the following syntax:

B = q( Ne , Nmin , Nmax , alpha , d , c , n )

Example: board = q( 15 , 300 , 2000 , 0.7 , 10 , 5 , 8 )
Ne - Number of elite samples to use
Nmin - Minimum number of samples to use (must be >= Ne)
Nmax - Maximum number of samples to use (must be >= Ne)
alpha - Smoothing Parameter
d - number of S_t^* the same in a row with no gamma_t_hat improvement
c - number of N_t = Nmax in a row
n - n queens on an nxn board
B - An n x n matrix with queens denoted by 1s, and blank
    squares denoted by 0s

genq.m This program is used internally to generate chessboard outcomes.
scoreq.m This program is used internally to evaluate the performance of a particular board.

This program takes in a set of exact solutions to the 8x8 queen problem, and then tells you which of the 12 unique (disregarding reflections and rotations) solutions you have found. The exact solutions were found in [1].

Call the program from MATLAB, with the following syntax:

v =wq( U )
U - An 8 x 8 x k matrix of exact solutions
v - A vector of length k, labelling the solutions found


Problem Description

Clustering problems are described in Section 8.3 of [2].

Test Data
3gauss.mat - 200 points from a mixture of 3 Gaussian distributions.
banana.mat - 200 points from a banana data set.
spiral.mat - 200 points from a spiral data set.
datasets.mat - Larger data sets of the above 3 types.
Program Descriptions
This program finds a set of cluster means via the CE method with (independent) Normal updating.
Call the program from MATLAB, with the following syntax:

[ mu , count , score ] = NCE( N , g , alpha , k, data , modif , drplot , c , sigma_0 )

Example: [ mu , count , score ] = NCE( 1000 , 10 , 0.7 , 5 , DATA , 0 , 1 )
N - Number of samples to generate each iteration
g - Number of these samples to use to update parameters
alpha - Smoothing parameter
k - Number of cluster means to find
data - The data we are trying to fit means to (Should be n x d,
    where there are n points, and d dimensions)
modif - If 1, use modified smoothing,
    otherwise use standard smoothing
drplot - If 1, draws the cluster means
    and the data (for 2-dimensions)
c - Optional starting centroids
sigma_0 - Optional starting standard deviation
mu - The centroids found via the CE method, using Normal updating
    with the parameter set
count - The number of iterations taken
score - The final score of these centroids
genNCE.m This program is used internally to generate the cluster means.
scoreNCE.m This program is used internally to evaluate the performance of a particular set of means against the data.
This program finds a set of cluster means via the CE, looking at clustering as a ``mincut'' type problem.
Call the program from MATLAB, with the following syntax:

x = MCE( N , rho , alpha , k , data )

Example: x = MCE( 2000 , 0.01 , 0.6 , 3 , DATA )
N - Number of samples to generate each iteration
rho - The fraction of samples used to update the probabilities
alpha - Smoothing parameter
k - Number of clusters to assign points to
data - The data we are trying to assign to clusters (Should be n x d,
    where there are n points, and d dimensions)
x - The best found assignment of the data points
genMCE.m This program is used internally to assign data points to clusters.

This is slight modification of the above program, using the ``injection'' idea (due to Zdravko Botev). It generally produces superior results to the unmodified MCE method.
Call the program from MATLAB, with the following syntax:

x = MCEJ( N , rho , alpha , k , data )

Example: x = MCEJ( 1400 , 0.03 , 0.75 , 4 , DATA )
N - Number of samples to generate each iteration
rho - The fraction of samples used to update the probabilities
alpha - Smoothing parameter
k - Number of clusters to assign points to
data - The data we are trying to assign to clusters (Should be n x d,
    where there are n points, and d dimensions)
x - The best found assignment of the data points

scoreMCE.m This program is used internally to evaluate the performance of a particular assignment against the data.
clNCE.m This is a small program which labels the points in a dataset according to a set of cluster means.
Call the program from MATLAB, with the following syntax:

x = clNCE( c , data , k )

Example: x = clNCE( mu , DATA , 5 )
c - A set of cluster means
data - The data we are trying to assign to clusters (Should be n x d,
    where there are n points, and d dimensions)
k - Number of clusters to assign points to
x - The assignment of the data points to clusters
cMCE.m This is a small program which calculates cluster means from a given cluster labelling.
Call the program from MATLAB, with the following syntax:

c = cMCE( x , y , k )

Example: mu = cMCE( x , data , 6 )
x - A labelling of data points
data - The data we are trying to fit means to (Should be n x d,
    where there are n points, and d dimensions)
k - Number of cluster means
x - The cluster means calculated for this labelling of data points

The Maze Problem

Problem Description

This problem is looked at in Section 8.2.2 of [2]. Section 8.2 discusses using CE more generally in this way.
Program Descriptions
This program tries to find the shortest path through a maze, by generating a set of choices at junctions. For example, an output may indicate something along the lines of ``At Junction 1, go East, at the next Junction, go South ...''. The set of choices is updated via the CE method.
Call the program from MATLAB, with the following syntax:

pi = maze( N , rho , alpha , M , start , finish )

Example: pi = maze( 1000 , 0.02 , 0.7 , MAZE , [1,1] , [12,12] )
Where, in this example, M is a 12x12 maze of 0s and 1s, with 1s representing walls, and 0s representing the paths. The start of the maze is at [1,1] and the end is at [12,12]. Note that this method seems to perform quite well on very small mazes, or on mazes with few junctions, but performs less well on larger problems.
N - Number of samples to generate each iteration
rho - Fraction of samples to use to update the choices
alpha - Smoothing parameter
M - A matrix of 1s and 0s, representing a maze
start - Starting position
finish - Ending position
pi - Output choice set
gmaze.m This program is used internally to generate a set of direction choices.
smaze.m This program is used internally to evaluate the performance of a given set of direction choices.

Rosenbrock Visualisation

Problem Description
This tricky function is described in Section 5.1 of [2].
Program Descriptions
This program contains a set of default parameters, visually illustrating the convergence of the CE method using Normal updating with ``modified smoothing'' (Remark 5.2 in [2]) for the 2-dimensional Rosenbrock function. The base programs were written by Sho Nariai, and subsequently modified.
Call the program from MATLAB, with the following syntax:

ceros.m This program uses the CE method to update the parameters.
rosenbrock.m This program is used internally to evaluate the value of the Rosenbrock function at a particular point.
tinormrand.m This program is used internally to generate sample points for evaluation.
plotce.m This program is used internally to plot the progress of the mean and covariance in 2-dimensions.


V. Chvatal.
All solutions to the problem of eight queens.

D. P. Kroese and R. Y. Rubinstein.
The Cross-Entropy Method: A Unified Approach to Combinatorial Optimization, Monte-Carlo Simulation and Machine Learning.
Springer, 2004.