Club Infinity is a maths-club for high school students and teachers, run by the Department of Mathematics at The University of Queensland.

Membership is free within Australia, so if you are a high school student, or going into Year 8 in 2007, or if you are a teacher, and would like to join —

Send a letter with your:
Name; school attending; home and school address;
and if you are a student include your age and Year level; to:
Club Infinity
Mathematics Department
The University of Queensland
Brisbane Qld 4072

The Myth of Ability: Never say 'But I can't do maths!'

Life Matters with Rebecca Gorman, ABC Radio National
On Wednesday 11/02/2004

For many parents and children, maths is one of those school subjects that you’re considered either naturally good or bad at: If you excel – we conclude you must have an innate ability with numbers. For those of us who fail – we think our brains are simply ‘not wired for maths.’